Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery Report
Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery has a variety of works from internationally recognized artists. The exhibitions in the gallery include paintings, sculptures, photographs, and printed posters. However, for this exercise, I will discuss two pieces, namely A painting in search of a title, 2018; oil canvas; 66 x 60” and Federal Hall, 2018 Lithography; 20 x16”. The artists who created these two pieces were motivated by ancient history. Both the artists deeply expressed their understanding of ancient history visually and created a recognizable approximation of history in their paintings. Observing the mentioned pieces of art empowered me to apprehend the structures of the paintings, reconstruct the scenes in each composition, and perceive the world and its veracity more acutely.
Description of the Art
A Painting in Search of a Title
This piece of art was created by Bruce Lieberman. The painting is not about religion even though Lieberman made several references from a religious perspective in the art catalog. Instead, it signified the battle between good and evil. Lieberman’s inspiration for designing the picture was ethics and morality. The story that inspired the creation of the given piece of art was a conversation between God and his Angels. Lieberman stated that God commanded Angels to go and destroy a city that was filled with evil. In the story, God’s perception was that despite some good men being living in the city, they did nothing to stop evil. On the other hand, the Angels argued that good people could not have stopped bad ones because evil individuals have not been listening to them. God countered the response by stating that good individuals could have tried to stop evil instead of assuming that evil people would not listen.
Because the painting is not about religion, the Angels are used symbolically. This approach is utilized by Lieberman in most of his works. According to SBU Art (2018), Lieberman’s paintings exhibit embedded humor, narrativeб, and personal symbolism. These aspects are all seen in “A painting in search of a title”, in which Lieberman is immersed in a repeated search for personal iconography. The artist uses symbolism in his painting while portraying Angels as a device used to punish both evil individuals as well as good people who do nothing to stop evil. Lieberman states in his catalog that the art is about the sense of existential threat (either imaginary or real) that is caused by our chaotic political climate. He also links the art directly to the statements quoted by Abraham Lincoln in his inaugural address in 1981. Abraham Lincoln said, “The mystic chords of memory… will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature” (Lincoln, 2018). Therefore, similar to Levine’s art, Lieberman’s works are motivated by ancient history.
I regard art as related to the evil aspects of politics in contemporary society. Today, the globe is characterized by disunity brought about by chaos caused by politicians; and this is an aspect enshrined in the art. I believe the art’s meaning is that despite people being disunited, there exists a mystic code of memory.” This simply denotes the existence of common bonds the two conflicting parties share a common need for ensuring they will not remain disunited forever. However, if good people in society do not do anything to stop evil politicians, the evil created by the latter will come and destroy all of us regardless of whether an individual is good or bad. From my experience, I can say that when politicians cause disunity in contemporary society either within a single country or between different countries, the result is war. The latter, in this case, could symbolize the Angels who are used symbolically in Lieberman’s works, meaning a device that destroys bad people along with the good ones who do nothing to stop evil. Here, a bright example is the Civil War. The casualties of war are not limited by evil only. Instead, war affects good people who did nothing to stop evil in the first place.

I contemplate the effective impact of art on me as a moral student. Thus, an individual in society cannot claim to be moral when he or she does not fight immorality because God also presumed that people who do not fight immorality are also evil and needed to be destroyed. The art enhances morality in society and pushes good people to fight against the evil that affects every person. I believe being in the gallery and observing the paintings means expressing a desire to be reunited and driven more to join together than to run apart. However, this is only possible when moral people do not sit back and just watch the evil tearing society apart. In addition, I believe that the art implies that evil is very stretchy hence its impact is not only confined to bad individuals in society but also to moral people who neglect immorality.
Federal Hall, 2018 Lithography
The piece of art was created by professor Martin Levine. The work is a drawing of the Federal Hall National Memorial, a classical architecture building constructed in 1842 (Jacobs, 1966). In addition, the bronze sculptor of George Washington created by John Quincy Adams in 1883 is included (Durrante, 2018). The site drawn by Levine in the painting marks great American history. The location is a building where the first US inauguration took place in 1789. In addition, it is where the first US Bill of Rights was introduced. According to Levine, the primary inspiration for his piece of art Federal Hall, 2018 Lithography was architecture. The given work was developed through his belief that architecture is among the greatest achievements of mankind. Levine chose a particular site because of its significance in American history. He stated that when architecture comes into reflection, the shelters started to be constructed of leaves, straws, wood, and soil. The attention of Levine’s painting was devoted to urban and rural buildings. He did this with historic respect to the generation of artists who shared his motivation in architecture.
While creating the piece of art under research, Levine’s primary focus was to challenge the viewers in terms of making associations and connections to his piece based on historical experience, insights, and physical existence. According to Levine, the piece did not only embody changing visual aspects of the environment that people live in but also enabled them to live ingeniously and contentedly. The artist’s objective was to evoke emotions, entertain, capitulate, and inspire imagination by drawing attention to what people could archive using only their hands when taking into consideration the necessity of shelter as a basic survival tool and developing it to amazing heights of motivation from ancient architecture. Levine stated that choosing the site was easy in referring to ancient architecture because 26 Wall Street remains one of the best surviving examples of classical architecture. According to Levine, a few things changed in the building since its design by John Frazee176 years ago.
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I believe that the reason why Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery exhibits Federal Hall, 2018 Lithography is to remind the audience about the unimaginable heights that modern architecture has reached due to motivation attained from classical architecture. I think the art means that shelter is a human necessity but with motivation and respect for those who began to develop shelter. Thus, human beings can take shelter to unbelievable heights. I consider the art to be important because its motivation inspires society in general to build structures and edifices that not only symbolize the optical dynamics of the setting we stay in but also help humans to live our lives more comfortably and imaginatively. The art does this by enshrining old architecture as one of the greatest achievements of mankind. The art enables viewers to make connections with the drawing based on its history with the aim of inspiring imagination. In contemporary society, the latter has resulted in the development of sophisticated shelters to make life more comfortable. I believe the art has an effective impact on communicating architecture as a great human achievement because the Federal Hall was constructed as a palace with memorable American history. Finally, the symbolic representation of the Federal Hall site of great American history incorporates ancient architecture as the greatest achievement as well.
Both Federal Hall Lithography and A painting in search of a title offer a visual representation of the world’s reality in recognizable approximations in the composition of the artists’ work. Both paintings encompass the aspects of American history. A painting in search of a title draws its inspiration from Abraham Lincoln’s statements in his first inauguration address, while the Federal Hall Lithography painting marks the first inauguration ever in American history. Both artists use symbolism in representing different aspects of their compositions. The Angles in A painting in search of a title were used as a tool that destroys both bad people as well as the good ones who do not stop evil. On the other hand, Levine chose the Federal Hall, a site where great American history occurred, which symbolized the fact that architecture is among the greatest achievements of humankind.
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