Future of design Interaction
Memex is one of the most interesting yet fast-growing interactions that the world has ever seen. Studies have baffled the tech industry and many have questioned themselves on how this method of interaction has spread its root so deep in the tech world to the extent of becoming an everyday tool of interaction. The paper touches on the history of Memex and its application in modern-day interactive design and describes its dimensions in today’s systems and the future challenges affected by the area in the tech industry.
Memex History and Background
Memex, also known as Vannevar Bush's Memex, is a type of interactional design named after its founder. This was initially a system created in 1930 that was meant to help people have easier access to information, which was stored in microfilms (Rice and James 15). This process contributed to the creation of the World Wide Web; initially, the original founder of Memex was a specialist in cybernetics and he managed to transfer the electromagnetic model of the human associative memory from nascent science.
Modern Application of Interaction Design
In modern-day understanding, one can see this as the design of interaction among users mostly entailing the relationship between the product and the user. The times have changed as Memex has been transformed into a way that seemed impossible back in the 1960s and has become a large-scale mesh that connects people (Pratt and Nunes 117). When talking about the subject of interaction design, specialists tend to focus on applications and websites. Initially, design interaction was just a means of gaining knowledge; however, interaction has been transformed into a medium between the users and products. In modern times, the product involves elements such as motion, aesthetics, space, and sound. The elements are not only limited to the above but also include a lot more than that (Pratt and Nunes 117). Each element has a specialized and unique nature plus design and they give the users a sense of belonging to the product as the interaction design elemental fields such as sound design, which is used in crafting sound is used with regards to this case.
Memex and UX Design
To date, there is some overlapping of interaction design and UX design. Both may seem and even look similar from a focal point, however, the two are the opposite in many ways. After all, the purpose of UX design is to shape the user's experience while using the product (Pratt and Nunes 53). For example, daily driver kit or mobile phone, whether one is using an Android or an I device, it is impossible to tell the difference from a phase value since according to the human eye, we are all using mobile devices. However, this is not the case. At times one will hear from most tech companies and online reviews about the wars that have been going on between the leading industry manufacturers of mobile devices which are Samsung and iPhone. Based on their continual feuds one is able to tell that the target audience for both companies is very similar yet at the same time, the product delivered to the customers are completely opposite (Pratt and Nunes, 150). The biggest challenge of interaction is that it settles around two form factors, which, as mentioned earlier, manage the interaction between the product and the user or consumer. UX design is more within the system than interaction design, this is based on the fact that UX involves a lot of user research. The research is based on the reasons, conditions, place, and performance of testing band usability of the product. However, it is still possible to mention that interaction design plays a key role in the future of interaction (Molnar and Donald 130).

Dimensions of Interaction Design
Words may seem and be interpreted as mere vocal communication; however, words are used for interaction if they are meaningful and simple. A good example is Facebook; the website has buttons where users can click knowing the results will come based on the words typed on the virtual button. Another example is the button inscribed send now on PayPal whilst one is making payments (Pratt and Nunes 150). Users’ actions are dependent on the words used on the product and the type of service they are using.
Visual representation
This is the aspect that catches the eye of the user with regard to any product and is mostly the selling point for interaction design (Molnar and Donald 130). This dimension touches on matters such as typography and geographical elements. The main purpose of the visual representation is to communicate to the audience or use the main purpose of the instrument displayed. When we look at the iPhone logo and the play station logo, both tell and communicate the idea or product, behind which it is symbolized and represented. It becomes straightforward for the users to relate to the product based on the visual representation used at the particular place and geographical setting.
Physical object
Through objects, the users or consumers are able to interact with the product. Some may refer to them as the point of contact that is used for interaction. This analogy is given by the example of the laptop. It is almost impossible to notice how one uses the mouse or finger on the trackpad to maneuver his or her way on the laptop while surfing or working (Molnar and Donald 129). A mobile phone is another good example since we use our fingers while interacting with the device. The issue with this dimension is that it has to follow and answer some questions such as what kind of physical space one needs. Other aspects include how the interaction will happen if someone were at a train station while using an app in a crowded space such as Uber or Telegram (Pratt and Nunes 102). These are examples that eulogize the importance of interaction design.
Time is the period that one uses while interacting with a product. This mostly refers to a form of media, which touches on areas such as animations and sound. This is what can be considered by far the biggest challenge affecting the future of interaction. The challenge with the tech industry is that the level at which products are implemented and developed is at a much faster pace than the user can keep up (Pratt and Nunes 102). For example, in the case of smartphones, companies have been manufacturing phones in a bid to outdo each other in matters of sales, design, and features.
When looking at the world of gaming it is easier now to see this interaction has affected most gamers in the gaming community or rather people who consider themselves gamers. The majority of game developers have come up with complex coding software used by interactive games that have discriminated against that who can afford the devices of the actual game (Pratt and Nunes 102). An example is the PlayStation 4 video games such as the God of War franchise. A few years ago these games used to cost on average about 10-20$, however, the situation has changed with the most recent PlayStation 4 games retailing for 100$ or more depending on the stores one buys from. This has led those who cannot afford to spend such an amount of money to remain in the same monotonous situation. With issues taking place not only in the gaming world but also in the tech industry as a whole, one would rather choose to remain outdated rather than go further and reach out to deer for the sake of being in the times.
The behavior aspect is also known as the 5D dimension of interactive design whereby the mechanism of the product is included. This touches on the emotional aspect and the reaction involved whilst a user is interacting with the product. A good example of the 5D dimension is the performance actions exhibited by a user while using a website. Behavior is part of human nature and plays a crucial role in the way we react and process things. The way a child would respond to a gaming console is different compared to the reaction of an adult (Pratt and Nunes, 109). Behavior has been a social issue that has affected people in one way or the other and has shaped the interaction of design.
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Future of Interaction Design
The future of human-computer interaction will be affected by cognification. This is the act of adding artificial intelligence to objects and things in a bid to make them smarter (Pratt and Nunes 98). This will be the future pervasive driver over the next decade's innovation. However, we cannot refute the fact that this issue may have its flaws, for example, this integration in learning systems will have to be a subject of scrutiny in order to find out if the learning systems will perpetuate inequalities.
Unfortunately, screen addiction has become a serious issue of the day; online abuse and fake news have become the repercussions. These activities have become reminiscent of today's culture due to the increasing advancement of the system; however, this is not to say that this had caused more harm than good. Practical tools such as journey maps, frameworks, and blueprints are a good approach to encouraging beneficial business practices.
Designers have inspired the world by motivating people to solve problems, which most of the time seem intractable at the surface level. It is important that interactive design is seen not as just a means of getting the user to the product without questioning the next step. As much as interaction design has inspired the world, one cannot ignore that the problems of the world are undergoing changes. Challenges have proven to be more complex as the days and years go by and machine learning and blockchain continue to remain relevant. It is important that there is a close edge when society meets technology. The future of 5D has affected the application of Memex by calibration and attachment to human psychology and behavior. It is impossible to separate human cognitive behavior from Memex as it has affected us positively and negatively in a conscious and subconscious way. Furthermore, the achievements of interactive design have been embedded in a culture of learning. Technology has been made possible due to modern-day sensors and smart software, which can enable one to learn and understand what is happening.
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